This title sounds a bit like a missed connection ad from Craigslist. In all seriousness, it's about time that "Red" learns how to play the game. It's going to be a hoot. Web searching this topic is hilarious... 6 steps - oh that should be good fodder for my write up. Ha! Each of those steps is an essay at a minimum.
Through this endeavor of building up Sarge and Red's I've learned a lot about using multiple online platforms to cultivate an online business: eBay, Craigslist, TCGPlayer, and social media. MTG cards can be watched like the stock market - various influences drive prices up or down and you've got to react and keep your prices in line. And that buying collections of cards and sundries often means meeting with "characters" in parking lots... which is why Sarge handles that part!
Sarge thinks it's high time I get into the game... and I agree. Time is going to be tough - I am a mommy and I have another full-time job. But, it should make for some entertainment, so I'll share my adventures as I go.
And if anyone knows of a beginner-friendly game in our area - hit us up!
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