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Friday, January 8, 2010


Speaking of luck... My wonderful MIL, and yes I really do adore her, is now fully in the loop of our situation.  Lovey told her that we're having trouble making a baby.  So she wanted to know every detail, numbers, tests, etc.  And so I spilled all the beans about what's been happening. 

MIL is sad and frustrated along with us.  She had sent us a figurine of the Holy Infant of Prague before Christmas.  We had placed it on the hutch in the dining room.  She brought it up in or conversation and asked for me to *please* pray a 9 hour Novena because it could help us.  So I'm planning to do that this weekend. 

I feel a little bad referring to a prayer as "lucky" because that's not quite fair.  We'll see if this gets God's attention to give us a little boost so that we may get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Luck Charms

I listened to a podcast today about talismans and good luck charms to help one get pregnant.  Right now, I don't have any lucky charms; maybe I could use one. 

Lovey and I are ready to be parents.  I can picture baby "Trip" following Daddy around the yard in a pair of overalls helping.  Becoming a mommy was supposed to be magic.  Like a spell that you duck out from under for years and years until the one day you decide to stand up and let the magict dust fall onto you.  Too bad I stood up only to find there was no magic dust.